Just after the summit we came to a view point. Bill pulled over. A little information about the area. Still lots of changes of scenery.
White tree trunks instead of the red trunks earlier.
The views were spectacular. Wish the camera could show the depth and distance.
More clouds were building. Beautiful white ones.
Entering the National Monument area.
A change in scenery again. The rocks were a very light tan, almost white.
Hum...road work ahead. Repaving the road. That is the whole road folks, two way traffic. And see the little orange cone that has fainted because he looked over the ledge! No guard rails. My heart started beating quicker. I started to lean left.
Just some pictures of the scenery as we continued to drive.
That green is way down there.
Oh, crap - more road work ahead signs. Single lane ahead. Prepare to stop. Flagman ahead.
WE WERE GOING TO BE STOPPED RIGHT ON THE EDGE! Until now Bill had been kind of straddling the center line when there was no on coming traffic.
It was a very long way down there and no shoulder or guard rails.
Thank goodness where we stopped there were guard rails. Big thick center divider concrete one. If not I think I'd have been in the bathroom.

We were stopped about 20 minutes. I took some pictures out the window. Didn't lean against the window though.
On the road again. Of course, the lane we had to be on was the one closest to the ledge. More leaning to the left for me.
Working hard in the heat and altitude. Speaking of that - we saw many people on bicycles all along this road. How can they peddle up hill in that heat and at that altitude. Wow. Impressed.
Still following pilot car. Fresh oil on other lane.
Now - there are walls!
Changing colors in the rocks.
Another river by the road.
Kind of like driving through a weird dream.
Another great view.
Going into the little town of Escalante. Very interesting history here. More on that later.
We stopped at the information center for some maps. Found this sign interesting. By the time we were at the center there were big black clouds in the sky. Looked like it was going to pour.
Back at the RV park we waited for the rain. In this picture everything look blury because the wind was blowing lots of dust around. We rocked and rolled for a while. And the temperatures didn't drop any.
On all sides of us it looked like this. We finally did get a few drops of rain. Very few for a minute or so.
Today we explored the little town some.
We've done that drive twice with the motorhome and loved it. The views are fantastic. The second time through we stopped at Calf Creek Falls campground to hike the trail to the waterfalls. It was well worth it. Can't wait to go back and spend more time in that area.
It is a beautiful area, but can do without the road construction. Lots of history around here too.
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