Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day to July 4th decorations.

Got all my Memorial Day and 4th of July decorations I've had out of storage trunk and up. Even dish towels, that I bought a few years ago. 

Stained glass sun catchers I made years ago. 
The last of the three pillow covers I just finished. 
Also made the place mats years ago. 
Was out front and very surprised to see our ugly cactus blooming. More flowers than it has ever had. Each flower only lasts one day. 
My walking in the Wetlands has paid off. Some of my rewards. The banner/whatever with the beaver is for getting in 50 miles so far this year. The water holder was for last years 100 miles and the cap is for a cumulative 200 miles since I started recording last year till now. I am about three walks from getting something for 100 miles already this year. However it might be a while, as it is just too hot unless I get out before the sun gets up too high.  Like at six o'clock and I don't want to walk over there alone. Going to be up in the hundreds a few days this coming week. 
I've mentioned Bill's big screen for his computer and for watching TV. Well he also just got a new chair and a pad for his desk. His keyboard has yellow keys with black letters so he can see it easier, he also has a light under the desk top that lights the keyboard up. Cozy corner. 
I am still messing with sewing, but am taking a little break to do a puzzle I did a few years ago. Seems to be going faster this time. 
My first summer throw pillow cover. The pin wheels are three-D. 
Closer loke at one of them. Really easy and fun to do. Supposed to look like a wrapped present.  Have an idea for another cover, just starting to work on it. I found some butterfly material I forgot I had. Now to figure out how to use it. 

Bill's stationary bike is still in a zillion pieces waiting to be put together. We just need to get in the mood to do it.  I'm also going through clothes etc to get to Goodwill. Found things I haven't worn in years. But still had to think twice/three times before putting them in bag.

Thought I'd be watching a lot of racing today, but looks like weather is not cooperating in Indy, and maybe not in Charlotte either. Nothing exciting to write about.

1 comment:

SandyM said...

Carol, you are always so nicely decorated for the different holidays throughout the year and I love your pillows. Amazing the helpful things Bill has at his disposal to help with his eyesight. Blessed to have them.