Our trimmed bushes, now they look ugly, took off all the pretty blooming flowers. See the two pine trees on the left. Well one of them looks to be dead. Seems like over night it got dry and brown. Luckily they belong to the community so they will look at it/them and take it down if it needs it. Glad we don't have to pay for it.
Put out my Fall pillow covers.
Also rest of Fall decorations., I forgot I had this table runner found it in the bottom of the trunk I keep all this stuff in.
A real mess taking down the wall. They also took out the back part of the drainage dish. Had to use a jack hammer to do it. They start about 6:30 in the morning. I'd been up reading until 2 a.m. so had planned on sleeping in. Oh well.
About 1/3rd of the wall has been put up already, But still quite a ways from us. Today they are doing more clean up of broken bricks and cement behind us.
A couple of days ago.
We managed to get a couple of walks in but now it is up over 100 for the rest of the week and part of next week. So no walking. Temps just don't go low enough at night. To keep it comfortable in the morning. Our longest walk has been a little over 2.5 miles. And I am finding I get tired a lot quicker than I did in the spring. First couple of walks took me into the next day to have any energy. Hopefully that will get better when we get walking regularly. Starting to see some water fowl returning to the ponds and river over there.
1 comment:
Glad to see your new post. What will the new wall look like? Taller, stronger, nicer looking? It will block your view, but I assume it will give you more security??? Judy
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