Friday, February 28, 2025

Just one walk in weeks.

I did manage to get in one three mile walk this Monday. I was sure ready to sit down when I got home. The lady I walked with is a FAST walker. She's out of town for the rest of the week, so not walking - more fun to go with someone. 

Most of the birds we used to see weren't around. Don't know if it was the wrong time of day or if they are headed towards their northern homes. This one was hiding in the reeds. 

Last time we walked a couple of weeks ago this river was dry, now it is full and rushing again. It had been damned of upstream so work could be done on the banks. Oops guess that is my finger. 

This this picture doesn't show the true colors, but the area along the trail was almost snow white. It is salt that has leeched up from the dirt. 
It has been two weeks since Bill's second eyelid surgery and he is still having problems.Sometimes the lid is up completely and other times almost completely closed. There is some swelling still so we are hoping when that goes away it will be fine. Information says it takes four to six weeks to heal. He does not want to go back to doctor. So I guess we just wait. Today his eyelid is completely down...
Another picture of Sphere. That would be something to see. 
Well the management did the four sided inspection on our home last week. Still haven't got a letter from them. Maybe they forgot to send it but don't want to call and ask about it. They always find something wrong. 

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