As usual not a whole lot of things going on around here. Before Christmas I saw this angel made out of clothes hangers to I gathered up a bunch we had "hanging" around and wondered if I could duplicate it. That is a paper plate for the head. Kind of cute. But, no I didn't really put it together. Did put the hangers in the sewing room closet though in case I really want to make it and fasten everything together some day. Not sure what to use though, zip ties or glue. or ribbon.
I finished my chicken diamond painting and even bought $$ a frame for it. Haven't hung it yet though, not sure where to put it. I want it in the kitchen but need to find wall space.
The weather here remains above normal by about 10 degrees. Getting into the high 60's every day. No rain in sight. Low 40's at night. Makes for comfortable walking at about 9in the morning. No walking today. But I got in 204 miles for this year. Even with being gone a month to Mexico and hardly walking during the HOT HOT summer. We average about three miles a walk.No bright colors like back east but lots of golden browns and pale oranges.
See the dark cloud right above the mountains. At first we thought it was smoke, but was really rain in the mountains.
Another one of the river.
Bill is still feeling pretty good, though the long- Covid hits him every once in a while still. Guess it never goes away. He is in a cooking mood. Lots of crepes. Our son took half of them with him when he came over on Christmas Day.
I'm working on a Valentine pillow cover. Not sure how it will turn out. Glad I took this picture though cause I dropped the whole thing on the ground and then couldn't figure out how the pieces went back together.
We aren't seeing as many turtles this year. Just once in a while one shows up.
No wind that day, so great reflections.
Ducks in a row. I hope.
They are different species. The one in flight is much smaller. No idea what it is.
He didn't fly far.
We haven't seen the pelicans since I took their pictures.