Hadn't planned on doing this today, but I'm sitting at the computer to keep out of the way of the ladies that clean. Got an unexpected call from my son asking if I wanted the ladies to come over and clean our home. Of course! He called just in time as I was thinking about getting out the vacuum ... Well maybe not.
We haven't done too much this week to write about, but have had some spectacular sunrises and sunsets. This one was the beginning of the week. There was rain and snow in the mountains so a lot of clouds.
Two on each couch. This is a small quilt I made a long time ago.
The stained glass I made a long time ago. But never got to put them up cause we usually weren't home for Christmas. Ran out of things to make.
Remember the rocks I was complaining about a month or so ago. The ones the wall builders knocked off our backyard into the drainage ditch. Well they are finally back up on the yard. I caught one of the community's gardners cleaning the trash out of the ditch and asked if he could put them back on the yard. No problem.YES!!! Doesn't take much to make me happy.

Only got in one walk of three miles so far this week. Tomorrow we are going to walk around the community as there is a Holiday Crafts and this and that sale.
On Monday Bill had an appointment to get a heart monitor put on so missed walking that day. Last blog I wrote about the new medication he was put on. He had an horrible reaction to it so he stopped taking it. I never got in contact with any one over the phone. So while he was at the doctor's office Monday I talked to the office lady and she sent a copy of what had happened to Bill to the "doctor's nurse." Never heard back. Yesterday I finally got through to a different nurse. I went through whole story with her. She said she would let Doctor know. Still haven't heard anything and Bill is feeling better than he has felt in months. Not going to worry about it. He sees doctor end of January. Go the monitor off on Thursday. Next week he sees the eyelid doctor. No idea how soon he can get them fixed. Like I said not much going on.
Really beautiful sunrise and sunset photos. Have never seen the funnel type clouds; thanks for sharing your photos.
The clouds were very strange. Never saw them before either.
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