Been walking pretty regular. Yesterday we got in 3.5 miles in an hour and a half. So needless to say I didn't do much the rest of the day. I just liked this picture so thought I'd share it.
Remember when we had the tiny brown mouse. All of a sudden we didn't find any more poops or signs of him. Thought maybe he'd got back out. Well Nope, Bill has been complaining about a smell in his bathroom for a couple of weeks. We both looked in the cabinet under his sink, move things around and didn't find anything. Maybe something had died under the house. Well yesterday he came out and said he'd found the smell. The little brown mouse managed to get caught in one of the wooden traps. We didn't see it because it was behind the one roll of toilet paper neither of us moved. The trap was in the corner and upside down so even if we moved the roll a little it didn't show up. So two problems solved. We know for sure mouse is gone and so is smell.
We went out to lunch the other day, just us. To a new Argentine restaurant about 10 miles from home. On same side of town but towards Henderson. They have another restaurant on the Other side of town, has been there for years. But this one is closer. Nice place and easy to drive to.
Bill's leftovers. The piece of Milensea was huge, plus french fries. He said it was delicious, just like his mother used to make.
He was checking out my empanadas, which were also delicious. But I think the ones I make are better...They also have a deli and a market. Bought a lot of stuff to bring home.
UGH - Bill's Roku TV which he has his computer and Dish TV hooked up to blew its speakers the other day. I checked Walmart and they had the same one for $124 so put it on my order and used my Express delivery coupon to get it. It was here in 45 minutes. Hed gone in to lay down so I got it put together - feet on it and set it up: thinking I'd have it all ready for him to use when he got up. HA- NOT! Could not get Roku activated. Was on the phone with them two different times. Took about four hours to get it up and running. For some reason their activation EMail would not come to my email address. Ended up having to use Bill's email and it would only go to his phone. Which I had to hook up as a hot spot....Thank goodness the technician had a lot of patience. Walking me through everything that I knew nothing about. Finally got Roku activated, hooked up computer and Dish, then went looking for some Roku apps to add. I had to go take a nap after all that.
Some pictures from one of our walks. Have never seen this bird before, no idea what he is. Had to get a good picture cause he was quite a ways away and the reeds were moving.
Good old Harry and a bunch of ducks.
Oh my goodness, heard a noise out front and discovered the management was finally replacing the rocks that were washed away in the flood over a year ago. Works for me. All the homes on our side of the street now have new pretty rocks in their yards. Looks so much better. Another walk, we usually get in three miles a walk.
Again no idea what this one is. Neck is long enough to be the same one as the other brown one.
OH BOY-FINALLY we got to see a couple of the White Pelicans that hang out in another part of the wetlands. They are so pretty.

One of the herons hanging out in another part of the river.
The weather has been really nice for over a week. Getting up to high 60's during the day. But tomorrow we might get rain and wind and lower temps. So far it has been a warmer than usual winter.
Good old Harry and a bunch of ducks.
Oh my goodness, heard a noise out front and discovered the management was finally replacing the rocks that were washed away in the flood over a year ago. Works for me. All the homes on our side of the street now have new pretty rocks in their yards. Looks so much better. Another walk, we usually get in three miles a walk.

Again no idea what this one is. Neck is long enough to be the same one as the other brown one.
OH BOY-FINALLY we got to see a couple of the White Pelicans that hang out in another part of the wetlands. They are so pretty.

One of the herons hanging out in another part of the river.
The weather has been really nice for over a week. Getting up to high 60's during the day. But tomorrow we might get rain and wind and lower temps. So far it has been a warmer than usual winter.
Bill has been cooking up a storm. He made a huge batch of apple fritters. Luckily they freeze really well and yesterday he made a big batch of crepes.
I am about 4 miles from getting in 200 miles walking in the Wetlands for this year. Not bad since we couldn't walk in the summer in the heat and I took a month off to go to Mexico in January.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas Eve.
Merry Christmas!
Really nice photos of scenery, birds and white pelicans; they are beautiful. Wishing you and Bill a Merry Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year.
Great place to walk. Love all the birds. The unknown one looks like an American Bittern.
Love those pelicans! Yes, I don't think those smart tv's are all that smart. I have the same problem with mine!!! A very Merry Christmas to you!!!!
Merry Christmas to you and Bill!
Agree that first brown bird is an American Bittern. I saw one in the Corkscrew Swamp in Florida last winter. Third bird (before the workmen photo) might be a juvenile green heron. I think second bird with grey underbelly and black head and back is a black-crowned night heron.
Looks like Bill is doing better and you are getting out more.
Thank you all for the comments. And for identifying the birds. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year
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