Thursday, December 14, 2023

The days keep moving along, my lists keep getting longer

The header looks just how it came out of the camera. The light was just perfect to take the picture.

We have had a couple of really cool nights and days lately. These temperatures actually showed higher than it really was. Saturday when we walked at ten o'clock it was still in the 40's with a really, really, cold wind. Even I got cold...The higher parts of town on the west side got below freezing. 

This morning at 7:30  

On some of the holidays the Wetlands do a special walking area. This is for Christmas. Not too much in way of decorations but a lot of cute signs with poems on them about the wildlife. 
Can kind of read it. 

You never know what you might find in The Wetlands. Probably is a dog toy that got left behind. Though dogs aren't supposed to be in this area. 
Looking north up the river. Never noticed the houses before. 
Just liked the look of the tree up against the very blue sky. 
Son sent the cleaning ladies again On Tuesday, he also took us to a great restaurant for breakfast. It is great but makes me feel kind of useless - weird. 
Didn't walk Monday, none of us felt like it. So have to walk twice as far Wednesday - NOT. We did walk  three miles, so I've got my 100 miles in. 
Look what we just got delivered. 
More news to come next time. 


Mark said...

The wetlands look like a very interesting place to wander around. I can see why you like going for walks there.

Ruth's Life is Good said...

That weather forecast looks perfect for getting out and walking. The wetlands are so perfect for terrific walks. Looks like traveling is in your future😁❤️

SandyM said...

Like the color of your “traveling bag” and hope you can put it to good use soon. Enjoy wherever you decide to go especially if it is South. The header photos changing are very nice.

Carol and Bill said...

Mark - It is a neat place to spend time. Relieves stress and have friends to talk to.
Ruth - the weather has been perfect, even when the temp is low the sun is warm. Going to Mexico
Sandy - using it in a month or so . we each got one, also has a small carry one with it.

Kathy Tycho said...

Your son is a keeper...allow him to spoil you😊

Contessa said...

You might want to rethink about checking your luggage. That way you don't have to worry about putting them up above your head in the bin or carting them thru at the airport.