How do the days manage to go so fast when you don't do much. Had to make phone calls this morning - one to the doctor to get my prescription changed. Had to leave a voice mail - I hate that - finally heard back just after 1:00. The pharmacy called an hour later. When I went to pick it up the pharmacist warned me about side effects. Said if I swell up and turn red to stop taking it - no $h!t. Now I'm afraid of it. Just took it and keep expecting something to happen. It is sulfur based. As far as I know I've never been allergic to sulfur. So guess I'll find out if I am now. At least it is only for three days.
Went out to breakfast this morning. I finally felt like eating after my last episode with the other prescription. Then to Walmart to return a rug we'd bought for the RV - didn't look as good as we thought it would. Also wanted to pick up a bunch of other stuff. Then to Lowe's where we found a perfect rug, we think, won't know until it gets delivered. Special order.
One of the days the wind was blowing so hard here. Even the chairs were blowing away. And what a racket the metal patio roof makes.
More weather pictures. When it is nasty here it gets really nasty. We had rain, hail and very high winds for a couple of days, And it got and stayed cold.
This cloud looked really unfriendly - more like something we'd see in Indiana.
The weather has settled down now. In fact by Wednesday it will be 90 - oh no not already. But won't last. Cooler and more wind and maybe rain for the weekend.
This picture is for our friend Nancy. We saw these cake mixes in Walmart in Mazatlan and she was going to buy one but waited too long an they were gone. Well these were in our Walmart in Henderson yesterday. Guess they will be carried now. How funny.

Saw this while out and about this morning. Only in Vegas - an orange stretch Hummer in front of a grocery store...really?
Tomorrow morning we will be going to the DMV to get our driver's licenses. I went on line this morning and made appointments for 9:15 tomorrow. The appointment thing just started a couple of weeks ago. We were dreading going and waiting around for hours. Will let everyone know how it goes. Then we have to register the new RV and both cars.
$3???? I did end up buying them in Walmart in Mazatlan and I paid.....$68ps for them!! I got ripped off!!! But, I was too proud/stubborn to not take them. I bugged me for awhile as the sign said $31ps so we thought, "what the heck" then they rang in at $68ps....whatever!!
So funny you have them for $3...............
You have been busy. Don't understand why you had to change your blog, why could you not continue to use the old one?
partly because we no longer live in Brown County, IN I could have continued to use it - life in Vegas is very different than IN and have been thinking about saying something about traveling and RV. no good answer really.
Thinking that orange stretch Hummer could be stocking up on "cheese and crackers" for their customers.
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