Hello from Beatty, NV. Only about 130 miles north of home. But it was a long drive. First driving across Las Vegas then up through Pahrump towards 95. Just after Bill mentioned how good the highway was we ran into road construction. 18 minutes waiting for the pilot car. Then back and forth through newly spread gravel. Clack, clack, clack - we could hear the rocks coming up and hitting us. Didn't see any new chips on the RV or the car thank goodness. Then on to the 95 - a very long boring road.
I took a bunch of pictures during the drive and promptly deleted them all from the memory card before I put them into the laptop. Oh well.
Before leaving Vegas we had breakfast and then managed to find gasoline under $3.20 - some for $3.16!!! Surprisingly here in the middle of no where it is only $3.05.
We finally got here at Space Station RV Park about 3:00. Good WiFi, 30 amp, pull through and $27.25 a night. Clean and friendly people. The market has the only fresh fruit and vegetables in town, so they say.
Our site.There is a little park just as you come into town with this nice old clock.

There are wild burros wandering all around town.
We stopped at Death Valley Candy and Nut Company and looked around. Lots of high priced candy and nuts. But it sure smelled good in there.
Very pretty exterior too. A little stream and lots of roses.
We went for a long ride - out to the little ghost town of Rhyolite and then on to the eastern edge of Death Valley.
We plan on revisiting Rhyolite tomorrow morning before it gets too hot. So just a couple of pictures from today.
Driving towards Death Valley
What a view!
More on everything later.
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