We left Rachel fairly early planning to get gas and stay in the RV park in Alamo. [No gas stations between Tonopah and Alamo] But it was still early after filling the tank so we both agreed to keep going.
If you didn't check out this web page while reading the last post, I urge you to do it. Very interesting history of a tough little town. Be sure tio scroll down to get to the stories.
My new mouse pad for the laptop. Just so the aliens don't mess with the laptop.
Goodbye Rachel. Interesting visiting you but don't think we'll be back.
More lovely Nevada scenery. Straight road, mountains and some bushes.
Oh my goodness a curve and even more mountains. There was some wind but not as bad as the day before.
And some Joshua trees. love them, wish we could have one.
Hum... more aliens.
And Fresh ET Jerky. Unfortunately we didn't stop to buy any.
Stopping for gas in Alamo, cheaper than Vegas.
And on towards home, not much to take pictures of.
Here is some information on the two monuments we saw in Tonopah.

By Chris English, August 25, 2012
"Big" Bill Murphy Marker
"Big" Bill Murphy Marker
On the last trip he did not return.
In May 1900, Jim and Belle Butler came prospecting from their hay ranch at Belmont to stake the claims that gave rise to Tonopah. This was the first silver bonanza of the 20th century. It prompted a mining renaissance and this heritage is Tonopah's greatest attraction along with good food, lodging and all necessary services. This monument was designed and built by local artist Adam Skiles and dedicated by Tonopah citizens, May, 2007
Guess I should have taken the time to do this when I made the original post.
We got into town around noon. No problems with traffic going through the spaghetti bowl - the main interchange in downtown. Looks like most of the work with the new ramps is finishing up.
On our way home from Mexico we bought a new GPS - I love it. It has all North America maps on it. The graphics are a vast improvement over our old one. I don't know about the audio as I shut it off. Will try it one of these days. When getting to an off ramp it shows the exact lane you have to be in, no guessing. It is a Garmim Drive Smart 61 North America LMT-S
Next to our cell phone, I love the size, I can actually see it. Also shows gas stations, banks and restaurants on regular screen.Still need to figure out to use all its features - little by little.
On the cell phone I've downloaded the "maps.me" application. Once you download the map - like a state or area you want you can use it off line. Great for here in town.
Boy we are going into a hot time - lowest daytime temp for the next seven days is 105. I found some interesting things I want to see here in downtown Vegas but will have to wait for a while till it cools a little. Also we are watching the World Cup games - three games a morning, by the time they are done it is too hot to go anywhere outside.
Bill finished his eye drops yesterday and everyday he is more pleased with how he can see. He still reaches to take his glasses off to change clothes or wash his face. Habits are hard to break.
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