Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday another cold and gray day.

Well let yesterday slip by I guess. The black clouds hanging over the Vegas valley made for a dramatic sunrise the other day.

We have had really cold weather, for Las Vegas, down into the high 30's at night and staying in high 40's low 50's during the day.  Really dark and ugly and windy. Bill is not enjoying the days at all. This was yesterday afternoon. Ominous dark clouds with one bright spot out over the desert.
Woke up to cold rain this morning. Good for the plants I guess. First measurable rain since last March. 
Off the TV 8 o'clock this morning.
And this is snow on the west edge of the valley. Actually sticking to the ground. 
We got a new Internet modem from Cox - I called them cause our Internet was sooo slooow since we've been home. So they sent us a newer updated modem. I was kind of hesitant about setting it up. But managed to do it. Even got our living room TV working with it too. Phew, wipe brow. 
Still not winning the war with the mice though. Nothing in the many traps, so we got some poison pellets to spread around where we still see poops. Hopefully if they eat them they go outside to die. Yesterday I didn't see any new poop, but found another place that had to be cleaned up that we'd missed before. Under the computer desks when we had to go under them to plug in the modem...
Some good news. I have found on YouTube some great exercise classes for my old bones. They are called Yes2Next. It is a young woman trainer working with her older mother.  Here are just some of them available. [It was just the other day I figured out how to do YouTube on the TV.] 
The trainer and her mother. I did this class this morning. Sometime she uses weights - her mother uses water bottles, I use cans of beans. Might eventually try something heavier... A lot of the exercises can be done sitting in a chair too. 
Didn't realize he caught me doing these. You need very little space, no mats - sometimes a chair or towel. 

Will try to continue to do them every morning, especially on the days it is too nasty to go walking. 

Have cooked a couple of dinners lately. One was chicken tenders breaded with chia seeds, quinoa and Italian panko. Served with stuffed eggplant. Very good. Then the next night we had salmon that had been marinated and seasoned potato wedges [both cooked in new air fryer at same time] also asparagus. Tonight probably some kind of chicken - Bill doesn't eat red meat, can't eat pork and really doesn't like fish - big sigh! And tiny red potatoes with seasoning cooked in air fryer. 

Not much else going on, too cold to work on my stained glass piece, need to solder next and that has to be done in the garage with the door open. Taped to hold it steady. 

Am going to use my embroidery machine to make some Irish window hangings, but waiting to get the stabilizer I didn't have. Supposed to come today. 


Doug and Nancy said...

Sheesh, cold, gray and dark...welcome to most of our winter! (Hopefully not next year!). Awesome idea with the exercises. Love that you are doing them. Maybe Bill will too and it will warm him up! (ha ha ha). Have a great weekend you crazy kids!!

Jackie McGuinness said...

And on Wednesday here it was 21C or 70F, crazy!!!

Mark said...

It's colder there then here.. Hope Bill survives..

Ruth's Life is Good said...

Great job on the exercise!! I like doing online exercises like you are doing that are lead by someone.

Kathy Tycho said...

The weather here is slowly getting warmer but the nasty wind continues.

SandyM said...

Hope all is well with you....long time for you to not post.
Happy St Patrick’s Day

Carol and Bill said...

Nancy, I'm trying to either exercise or walk, but with the winds it has mostly been with the TV. And it does warm me up.
Jackie and Mark - weird weather all over I guess. Tomorrow it will be in the 70's for a couple of days.
Ruth, they are kind of fun the mother makes quite a few comments.
Kathy - glad it is finally warming up there too. Strange winter.
Sandy - yep all is well, Thank you. Just been lazy.