Another undertaking while here. The mural on the hood of the RV had also faded over the years. One side more than the other. So it got repainted - same design but colors will match Jeep more.
The problem with the RV not starting turned out to be an easy fix. Well easy after quite a bit of time figuring it out. A 15amp fuse for the starter was bad. More about that later.
Gilberto starting first on the red graphics on the doors.Red and black fade the worse.
You do what you have to do any way you can. Line for the compressor.
Starting to work on the mural. Adding more red/orange.
Continuing around the hood.
See the difference the new color makes.
Working on the passenger side.

The side that already has the new color.
Working on the eagle.
Right side done, left not.
He continued working and adding more colors to finish the job.
After - notice the eyes. Before - see how faded the graphic was.
While Gilberto was painting. The painter's (Jamie, he does the clear coat) sons were busy with the Jeep. Spending a lot of time on polishing the Jeep. Ends up with a perfect mirror like finish. All done. The next day the RV got its clear coats and will be polished in a few days.
Your painter has so much talent; loved all the before and after photos. You always share so much with your readers. Thank you.
Such a difference but why did the paint fade??? Email me please with your ideas.
The sun and heat fade the paint, especially red.
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