This was our room. We had hoped that it would have a mini fridge and microwave in it. Not. So we've both agreed on - We will never travel again without the RV. We are just too spoiled by having everything we want available at all times.
The view out our window, beautiful park like grounds . This is the swimming pool.

We visited with our friends from Idaho who spend the winter here in their 5th wheel and went out to a late lunch/early dinner.
No clouds in the sky but a kind of pretty sunset.
The air was kind of cool but guess the water was warm enough for swimming.
Just liked this picture. To the east the sky was too cloudy to see the full moon. Finally got too cold to stay outside and wait.
Morning of a cool day. Do you think they are up to no good? Our friend John and Bill.
Bill and I headed into San Blas. Truck full of something that seems to be having a problem. Maybe the four of them can figure it out.
The is some kind of creeping plant that has covered all of the trees along the road. Spooky looking.
On the way to into San Blas. Lots of little restaurants.
Oops! One lane of the road is closed - we guess. Not sure. Finally another car went by and went west on the east bound side. So we followed.
Took some navigating as there are only two lanes and cars and trucks were parked in one of the lanes. They are putting in new paving stones.
The entrance to the main street of San Blas. We didn't go this way though, Took the road just to the right of this. A two way road only wide enough for one way traffic.
Up by the plaza. The central market is on the right. Lots of food vendors along the street.
We had to make our stop at Juan Banana. In 1978 we walked from the campground up there to buy banana bread. New building, same area, same banana bread. Some of the best we've ever eaten. Been in business at this location since 1973.
Yep, it is a tradition for us.
Inside buying muffins and a couple of loaves of bread. See the shirt hanging on the right, I got one of them, will take picture of it later - the back side is funny.
A snippet from our book All The Way To Argentina - "Later we all walked the short distance into town. Bought sundia (watermelon) and banana bread. A women of undetermined age, her gray-black hair pulled back and covered with a black scarf, was making tortillas by hand."
The mural on the wall. Look at the bird on the left, very intricate painting.
And this is Juan handing Bill our purchases.
Now that is a GREEN building
Needs a little TLC.
If you have a sidewalk set up a little restaurant.
A little market that sells about everything you'd want.
Heading back out of town. Here the road is completely blocked. No wondering what to do.
Who ever came up with these colorful letters is getting very rich. Every place has them now. This is the name of the area where the jungle boat ride is. We've taken it several times in the past.
Turning into El Chaco we had to wait for this guy to get out of the way.
This is their RV area. Our friends 5th wheel is right behind me. He says it has been almost empty most of the winter. Such a pretty place.
The sun was only out for a few hours but there was a strong wind coming in from the ocean that kept things pretty cool. And kept Bill from flying his drone. This is just a very short fly over of part of the restaurant/hotel/RV park. He did this just after we'd arrived, before the winds picked up.
are the noseme bugs still there. still remember the ride to the airport, he probably still hates me for having to take me.
they weren't too bad while we were there - the wind was blowing too hard. doubt if he even remembers.
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