Today has been cool and overcast. I cool enough day we could have left the door open but the noise is so bad we kept it closed. Driving down the main street in Mazatlan - The Golden Zone area. Haven't been this way in a couple of weeks already.
Nice car we passed.
Bill wanted some fabric to cover the hood of the RV - kind of a cheap Naugahyde so we went to the fabric store. He found what he wanted. They year they have not had any nice cotton material so I've saved a bunch of money.
We decided to go to the mall while in the area. This is a nice big mall. Lots of fancy stores and a big food court. We were headed to Cimaco department store to try to find Bill some short leg PJ's. His have disappeared somehow.

Walking around some inside the mall. What was this called Hop Scotch? I wanted to try hopping, but controlled myself and didn't.
While we were inside walking around Willie, the Jeep, was getting a much needed bath in the parking lot. He even seems to run better when he is clean 70 pesos about $3.50 US.
And then back home to all the noise. I counted 9 machines right next to the walls next to us. Dump trucks, water trucks, graders and compactors. Need ear plugs. One after the other dumping their loads right directly behind us.
Just a short clip of what is going on around here. The cement wall is 6 feet high. The ground on the other side was the same level as it is in the RV park. All kinds of machinery working.
Wow - We feel so bad for you guys. Not only have you had to contend with all this construction dirt and noise but a bad gallbladder as well!! Sheesh!!! What does Phillippe at the park say about the disruption, dirt, diesel, etc.? Are they giving discounts? Makes you wonder what will happen next year. Who will come back??
I always feel like my Jeep runs better after it has been washed too! As for the construction, I would have been outta there a long time ago! You two are very patient!
LOL - no discounts. He seems to think park will be here for several years. It is the only big park left in Mazatlan Once the dirt moving is done and the construction starts it will be quieter. Big cement wall all around the park almost 12 feet tall when finished.
And go where - South it is so humid and hot I couldnt stand it. home it is cold. If he had't been laid up we would be gone most of the days doing something somewhere else. But being stuck here with him getting to feel better has been the pits.
Precisely...that IS the dilemma. As an ex-park owner, you have a brief period in which to make your bread and butter and then the tourists are gone. Your bills arrive even if your neighbor does something that is not tourist friendly, something that may drive them away next year and the next, in fact forever, as they find other parks that suit their needs. Hopefully these guys can hang on until someone offers them a pretty penny for their high rent real estate.
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