The clubhouse area takes up a whole square block. Lots of very green grass and trees. I'd forgotten how pretty it is there. Also a pool which several people were enjoying.
Lots of arches and trimmed trees.
As I got to the sidewalk in front of the park I zoomed in on the sunset. Never realized we could see the Stratosphere from here. I was surprised to see it in the picture.
Without such a zoom. Still a lot of smoke in the sky from California. Other than cropping the pictures I haven't done anything to them.
I like this one too bad the house roof is in the way.
By the time I got home the colors were almost gone. It never got cooler than 91 last night and both yesterday and today the temperature reached 115 degrees. With the AC and the ceiling fans running it is okay in here. And the car's AC works good too. Again did our errands early. Glad the stores open early here.
And miracle of miracles we actually managed to pick up Bill's prescription and for the correct price of $30.
No sewing today, Have to wait for the mood to sew hits me again. But what I wanted to finish is finished. Spent some time on the computer checking into updating the maps on our Garmin, but have to find the USB connection for between the Garmin and the computer. Hope it is in the RV. And used part of my settlement check from Barnes and Nobel to pre-order three books coming out from some of my favorite authors. J. A Jance, John Sanford and Lee Child. Won't get them until end of August but didn't want to piddle the money away.
Both Bill and I have remarked on the fact that the water coming out of the cold faucet is almost hot enough to burn our hands. He says he uses the hot water to cool the cold down...Guess the pipes under the house aren't very insulated.
Tomorrow there will be racing on TV and Saturday Barcelona will play a soccer game.
And it is supposed to be a few degrees cooler. Believe it when I feel it.
In the mean time I'm enjoying my Jelly Beans. And the cubed watermelon.
1 comment:
For years, I went to a convention in Chicago in January, and stayed at the Conrad Hilton. I always marveled that they had chilled water in the cold water faucet. Just last year I turned on my cold water faucet, and it was ice cold in Phoenix, as the outside temperature was in the 30's. Than it dawned on me: The Hilton didn't chill the water, it came from a tank on the roof, and it was in the 20's whenever I was there. What a bummer. I'd love to chill my water here in Phoenix. Brushing your teeth with hot water is for the birds.
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