Does it get hot here? Yep. Thermometer in shade at 9:00 a.m. Yesterday it flirted with 100, today it will make it plus.

So how did the eye surgery go? It went fine. He drove over there. Got all the paper work and extra payment taken care of and by 11:50 he was into the surgery area. His appointment was for 11:45. I brought my Nook with me and spent the next 2 1/2 hours reading. Why or why do people bring their cell phones to doctor's waiting rooms. Some of the ring tones are obnoxious! The lady sitting next to me waiting kept playing with her phone - some game that tingled every time she touched it. GRRR...or maybe I'm just getting old and have no patience.
At 2:30 the nurse came out to get me. Bill was fine sitting in a chair with a goofy smile on his face. She was giving him instructions about after care, when she mentioned no alcohol his reply was, "No tequila?" This from a man who never drinks. She just shook her head and said NO! I went out to get the car and bring it closer to the door. Crap! forgot how hot the car gets when just sitting. Could hardly hold on to the steering wheel it was so hot. They brought him out in a wheel chair. Then had to stuff him in the car. The Mustang convertible is not an easy car to get into even when you are fine. No problems on the drive home, He was still zonked enough that he doesn't even remember it.
Spent a good part of the rest of the day, falling asleep.
To day he is up and good. Except - the "new eye" doesn't need glasses but the old eye does. So he is watching TV with his glasses cattywhompous on his face. [need to get a picture of that.] This afternoon he has a post op appointment. I will drive there, though he says he is fine to drive. And hopefully he gets clearance to drive home. His second eye will be done in 15 days. He is enjoying his new vision, walking around the house looking at things through his glasses and then with the new eye without the glasses. Very happy with how much better he can see.
Happy the surgery was successful. Many folks have blurred vision at first. Why don't you take his glasses in and get the one lens removed so that he is looking out thru the hole with his good eye. It will make the next two weeks much easier for Bill
Soooo glad it went well!
Very glad to hear that all went well.
saw the doctor today for follow up and that is what he suggested. just poke out one lens. After the other eye he will have to get new glasses - probably just for reading.
Me too I was more nervous than him. He is already driving with no problem.
Thank you. Nice to know he can see again when he is driving.
Glad surgery went well. Praying fir a speedy recovery.
So glad everything went well....that was one of the funniest posts you have ever done ! Hilarious to picture in my head...I would just knock out one of the lenses in his glasses so he won't have to sit there with them Kattywompus on his head..:)
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