Friday, June 17, 2016

Leaving Las Vegas

Yep! We'll be leaving Las Vegas for parts north - even though they won't be much cooler. Been doing last minute things the last couple of days. Picking up prescriptions, getting the AC in the Jeep fixed - hurrah! Putting stuff in RV - backing up computers and last minute shopping. The pill I have to take for a month makes the skin sensitive to sun so I was looking for a cool long sleeve shirt - they are hard to find this time of year.
So tomorrow morning sometime we'll be pulling out - not going too far tomorrow just 100 miles. But at least we will be started. We can be gone for about a month. No real plans except to go to Idaho to visit friends. After that??? Depends on the weather some.
So if we have Internet tomorrow night You'll hear from me.
Thought I'd post some pictures of some of our great grandchildren. Two are missing. Couldn't find the photos. And one is due in September. Oldest one - the girl
 Youngest one - another girl


Unknown said...

They are adorable. I think thats the only drawback with lots of traveling. We miss a lot of family time.
Hope you find a little cooler weather to enjoy.

SandyM said...

Cute babies - all of them.