The sunset as we left the campground.
We got more music than we bargained for. One of the restaurants - Gala - was having a special Tango Night. Reservations needed and pay in advance was required. They couldn't tell us what the menu would be when we asked - just Argentine food. Price 650 pesos per person. Sounded interesting.
But we cheated. We went to the Italian restaurant right next door and had Italian dinner and watched the "show." Here are the two restaurants. The red line divides them. We sat at the table under the arrow.
The stage where the dancing took place. Again the arrow shows our table. When we go to the plaza we usually eat at the Italian restaurant. We have eaten at Gala but prefer Italian. All these pictures were taken at night without flash so there is some color weirdness. Bill again asking the waiter what the menu would be. Still not sure. One hour before show time.
Some of the Christmas decorations going up. The lights were supposed to be turned on Friday and we were going to be there. BUT a nasty rain storm hit Mazatlan about 5:00 Friday night. Lots of heavy rain, thunder and strong wind. So needless to say - if they turned them on we missed it. When we left Thursday night they still had a lot of work to finish.
Several of these LED light trees were going in at different corners of the planted areas.
A couple of trees being decorated at the Theater.
No idea how this will end up looking. Or what it will be used for.
I hope he can get out.

As we were walking back to the restaurant we noticed this band setting up on the other corner. It looked like they might be making a video. They were supposed to be done before the tango show started at 7:00.
Poor dog, she looked humiliated. Spent most of her time hiding under the table.
One of the tables all set up at the Gala Restaurant. 650 pesos per person. Found out the menu and watched it being served. Oh, my! First course two little empanadas each about the size of a silver dollar, second course - beef steak with lots of weird sauce on it. Steak was about 2" by 2". Final course was flan. A custard with caramel sauce on it and pistachio ice cream on top. Bill was just shaking his head. Not what one would be served in Argentina.
A roaming troubadour - we've know him for years.
The music started up next door. Two tangos then pop music.

Tables starting to fill up. Food being served.
And this is what we were listening to. The drums, the troubadour and tango music. Luckily two of them stopped playing just after 7.
Hard to take good photos but I did get a few.
With all the background noise it is hard to hear the music.
Altogether a very fun evening. We returned last night, Saturday, and got to experience the lighting ceremony.
This event sounds like something a cruise ship tour company would organize! Could you tell who the people attending were from?
They were gringos living here in Mazatlan. That restaurant does things like that several times a year.
Sounds like an interesting evening. Good think you didn't spend the money to dine at Gaia.
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