The Mirador Restaurant way up on the cliff at the entrance to the harbor has been repaired, remodeled and reopened. We'll need to go check it out one of these days. If we can remember how to get there.
This particular day there were three cruise ships in town. Over 12,000 people. Lots of business for the shop owners and tour companies. Good to see.
Thursday night last week we went to the plaza just for the heck of it. Something to do. Not much going on but a nice evening and pretty almost full moon.
Hard to take pictures of the moon when there are other lights around.
Over to centro for breakfast one morning. The parking lot we always park in must have been at one time a really nice home or business. All the windows had stained glass half moons above them. All that is left of this one.
We ate at Union again. This was Bill's breakfast. Some kind of egg and prosciutto sandwich with a salad. He was not impressed. I had a waffle. We also discovered if you get a coffee refill they charge you for it. Probably wont go back for breakfast, but will return for another hamburger.
Just a photo of a building in the Plazuela Machado. We were just walking around town enjoying the day and scenery.
The what I call "orchid" trees were blooming. Hum...I guess they are orchid trees. "Orchid trees (Bauhinia spp.) bring tropical glory to warm-winter areas on small, ornamental trees. The Hong Kong orchid tree (B. x blakeana), a hybrid of somewhat mysterious origins"
We used to have one in our backyard when we lived in California. The blooms die right away if picked. And I mean right away - didn't last long enough to get them in house into water. What a shame.

This home is for sale US$800,000. It is partially remodeled inside. A year or so ago someone was going to turn it into a bed and breakfast - don't know what happened. It is sure pretty though.
When we left in spring this was a vacant lot. It will eventually be a three story parking garage. Right downtown Centro.
My favorite building where the bakery is. The tiles are from when it was originally built. The tiles came from Spain in the late 1800's.
Just a pretty intersection. The building on the right was built in 1904. It sold dry goods.
Same building different view. Years ago when we first started coming here it was painted green and purple.
Unusual gray leaved palm tree.
No idea why - just noticed it walking by. The eyes are actually round holes - for pipes I guess - in the building.
Until three years ago this huge home? was sitting and falling apart. Then someone bought it and work started on it. It seems to be about done. Rumor has it it was built in early 1900's and never occupied. Can't find anything in writing about it.
Too bad there are so many wires in the way, it is a very interesting piece of architecture. Would love to see the inside. Maybe it will go up for sale...
Last year the area between the sidewalks and streets around the City Hall was landscaped. A brick path was put down in the middle of the landscaping. Is it a walking path or just for looks. Well I decided to walk it. So very pretty to do so. Looking ahead of me.
Where I came from. There is plenty of room to walk there and much prettier than the sidewalk.
Just taking a snooze.
During the weeks between Christmas and January 6th the Mexicans are on holiday. Many, many visitors to Mazatlan. Especially from the interior mountains where it is snowing. This brings out many beggars or peddlers. I think she has shrimp.
A few buildings right down town across from the Central Market that need a little TLC
When we walked past this building the other day it was green and workers were chipping all the plaster off of it. Now re-plastered in Mexican Pink. Click here to read about the color Mexican Pink - kind of interesting.

Just pulling into the RV park we stopped to watch these guys, three of them. They dig holes under the patios to live in.
Looks a little bit aggressive.
He doesn't care he is just interested in lunch.
And that is what we've been doing between visits to the distillery and watching the construction.
Much to our delight the workers went home Saturday late afternoon and haven't returned yet. Hopefully not until Wednesday. Peace and quiet and clean air to breath. Enjoy it while we can.
Merry Christmas to you both. Bill what the heck, chicken at Fat Fish, say it isn't so. Mmmmmmmmmmm ribs.
And Merry Christmas to you to. Don't get to excited about Fat Fish, it has changed.
NO NO NO NO NO. Say it isn't so... Well that's it I'm staying home now. I don't like change...
Mazatlan is so pretty And Looks like there’s so many interesting things to do.
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