Looks like we might be losing one of our pretty plants. On closer check it was covered with little bugs. Got rid of the dead leaves and sprayed it good. We'll see if it makes it or not. All plants then got sprayed.
Across the street for breakfast - lots of clouds over the ocean, but they were going away quickly. Ocean was pretty calm

Had a quiet visitor in the campground. Next time I looked he was gone. Wonder where? Surely not back to the construction work.
We went out in the evening to the Plazuela Machado wondering if the lighting of the Christmas lights had been postponed because of the rain the night before. Looks like we lucked out. First things we noticed there were no vendors in the plaza. They were set up along a couple of the streets leading from the plaza. At the front of the vehicles on the left there is a gray pick up truck. He decided he needed to leave.
It was quite a production getting him out of there. Had about 1/4 of an inch on each side to work with. And he had to turn the corner to the left.
All the decorations were up. I didn't take many pictures of them, just too many people around. And too much going on.
We ate at Pedro and Lola - first time we've eaten there in all the time we've been coming here.

Bill and the other couple with us had fajitas - I had salmon with asparagus and a salad. I even sopped up the sauce from the plate, it was delicious.
Just as we finished eating the whole plaza went dark - then the fireworks started. Right above our heads.
When the fire works finished all the Christmas decorations lit up. And the festivities began.
There was a ceremony not far from us - Seemed like an introduction of the hopefuls for the Carnaval queen and king. Beautiful women and good looking men all dressed up in formal attire. Also a couple of children in fancy dress. Too many people between us and them to really see.
Then across the plaza from us a children's dance group was preforming. Could not get my camera high enough to get a picture over the crowd.
This I did get a poor photo of. A children's orchestra. They were very good.
Too much going on to get any good pictures.
These light twinkle.
Now we know what this is. A giant snow globe. Air jets blow white flakes of something in the air so it looks like it is snowing. A long line of children waiting to get in and have their pictures taken.
We made one lap of the plaza and then headed for home. Just too crowded and we left before "dinner time."
As we passed the Continuity of Life statue we noticed the lights were on. Bill mad a U-turn and got a parking place right in front of it. Was surprised the water jets were not working though. But with the lights it was beautiful. The lighting kept changing colors.
Tried to get the whole monument in.
Notice the difference in the colors on the dolphins.
I couldn't stop taking pictures. I think this was the best part of the evening, well except for my salmon dinner.
Love Pedro and Lola!
Carol, your salmon dinner looks delicious. Happy to see that the dolphins are back to the color gray as they should be - failed to mention that before these latest pictures. Thanks for sharing your photos.
The monument and the whole area around it has been updated and looks great. The fountains were working the other day.
Bill wasn't impressed with the fajitas
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