I sent most of the rest of the day working with my laptop. It went black again and gave me a message that the display driver had stopped working and recovered. So went online and downloaded the driver software. So far it is working okay.
Luis the barber came by and both of us got our hair cut. Ten dollars including tip. Good timing 'cause I was beginning to look a little shaggy. I'm letting the top part grow for a while, maybe spike it and color it - just kidding.
I was trying to find on line a decent video editing program mostly for free but willing to pay for it if I have to. But the ones I found either were too complicated and did a whole bunch of stuff I'd never use or didn't do what I need to be able to do. Before I downloaded the driver software I'd got in touch with the RV repairman whose helper is a computer guru and they were coming to the park later in the day. Well by then I was up and running but talking to them the guy told me he had Movie Maker on disc - the program I'd been using but no longer is available - darn Microsoft for no longer supporting it. He said he'd bring me the disk. Oh please, please.
Then later int he day I sent mega time on the phone with someone I couldn't understand trying to get the problem with our mapping program fixed - Streets and Trips. It installed but won't open because of a "Licensing initialization error" Guess it doesn't believe I own it. Well after a long time trying to understand what he was telling me and putting me on hold three times. I was told to call back this morning as the people who could help me had gone home. So will try again this morning. Well tried again this morning. After 1/2 hour they told me to call back in a couple of days as their "reset tool" wasn't working...So next week on a day I feel patient.
The construction work was quieter than usual yesterday, most of the work is behind us. BUT I guess whoever owns this tower has decided to take it down. Men climbing all over it taking pieces off. Now that was interesting.
We all thought no more dirt would be added to this area just to the right/north of us. It was compacted and about 10 inches lower than the wall. Came home to find more dirt dumped here. So will have to listen to graders and compactor again. Hopefully then they will be done in this area.Looking over the wall in the above picture We thought when this section was compacted the other day they would be through here. Nope it has to be raised to this level!

They are putting the second story on the houses already. Soon we will have neighbors!
Well now they are working inside the park, just beside and behind us. I think they are moving the dirt up closer to the cement wall.
Here they are using a small hand compactor, this is right directly behind our RV.
This is on the south side of the park - quite a ways from us. A dump truck had just gone by - lots and lots of dust down there. 
So that is it for us today. We did go out with Mark for a quick lunch. Something to write about for tomorrow.
I'll bet they will jack hammer the concrete base at the tower bottom. Won't that be pleasant! The back up beeper on the grader on the other property beside us was especially nice today. Sigh!
Carol, what is the reason for building up the ground so much before building the houses? Seems like all that moving of earth will add to the cost of the houses. Think it might be fun to be in a donut eating contest!
they tell us it for drainage purposes, this area has a high water table. so guess when it rains here it all will pour into the RV park.
if they do it that way it will be a "get out of here" day for sure. Sure wish they would finish with the dirt dumping.
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