Spoke too soon - I'm working away and screen goes BLACK - then it pops back on again with this message "display device has stopped and has recovered." HUH? And then it kept doing that. Put call into computer repair person - they could be here this afternoon. In the meantime, I looked up message on web. Said to redownload the software for the Display device. So I did - nothing to lose right. So far it seems to be working. I've edited pictures and done a few other things. We'll see...
So will load some pictures on here and see what happens. Yesterday we took Mark to La Martina Restaurant for breakfast. After a day in bed Bill was antsy to get out. Entering the restaurant we noticed a little watermelon plant out in front of the half wall. Tiny melon on it.
I've talked about the tables being made out of solid pieces of wood. Think I mentioned the one that had the bullets in it. Finally took a picture of it. There are two bullets still in it. The silver spots.
ARGG they are still running the cement mixer - can't get away from construction.
How would you like walking up this plank carrying a couple of buckets of cement? No way!
The lady that makes the tortillas getting some wood for her grill.
I've looked at these pictures before, even taken pictures of them. But guess I never really paid attention to them until yesterday.
Look at the faces, they are 3-D How could I miss that before.
Looking UP at one of them.

There are three doors on one side of the patio of the restaurant. Haven't paid too much attention to them. Turns out there are bedrooms on that side of the building. The owner frequently sends the night here. The rooms and attached bathrooms are beautiful.
When we got home was when I discovered my laptop wasn't working. Fooled with it all afternoon.
To calm me down Bill suggested we go out to dinner and take a drive. Picked up Mark, had dinner at Pancho's then went for drive down the Malecon all the way to the harbor. Not a pretty sunset. But some color.
Got there just in time to see the cruise ship head out to sea.
A little pretty.
Bye bye ship.
Looking towards the city - way far in the background.
Headed towards by driving through Centro Historico. Love it when the lights shine up the buildings.
Some water in the street to add interesting reflections
Then on home where I stayed up half the night loading programs.
I think the display driver was probably the problem all the time. I didn't need to loose all my programs etc. Just renew the driver. Live and learn.
Well I am so happy that things for the most part worked out. Had a fun time last night. You did very well hiding your stress level.
Looks like a lovely place to go for a walk after dark, with all the lights lit up. I also imagine it must be a lot quieter after the ships leave. Judy
So glad that you still have a working computer. I would be crazy with the stress of it all.
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