Wednesday, December 14, 2022

December 12th the Virgin of Guadalupe Day

Monday was The Virgin of Guadalupe day here in Mexico. It is a National Holiday. On that day the children wear native dress to honor Juan Diego, an Aztec Indian, to whom Mary appeared in 1531. She left a miraculous image of her appearance on his cactus fiber cloak which still exists today for all to see in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City. (In 1978 on our trip to Argentina we stopped in Mexico City and were fortunate enough to visit the Basilica and saw the cloak and image.)

Here in Mazatlan on the 12th we love to go to Centro to see the children around the Cathedral all dressed up to have their photos taken. The boys typically dress as Juan Diego with a painted mustache and wearing white loose shirt and pants with a shawl. The girls dress in multicolored embroidered blouses and flowered skirts. Some pictures from our visit this year. Most don't need explanations.

The many photographers bring different backgrounds and props for the picture taking. 

Getting ready for his picture. Wearing straw hat and sandals. 

Some bigger children at play. 
This is a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe covered with a shawl. No idea why. 
In front of the Cathedral were food stands. Lots of different items were for sale all provided by local women for charity. 

A brother and sister, waiting their turn. 
He has his red sash and wooden box.

Colorful dress 
A little one. Looking for the right back drop for their photo. 
This baby couldn't be more than a couple of months old. 
A photo booth with a wagon and flowers. 
She saw the camera and posed for me. 
Bill asked the mother if I could take a picture of her daughter. Of course. 
Isn't she a doll. I'm not sure of the significant of the wooden box but several of the children had them. 

Another brother and sister who let me take their pictures. 
He was happy to pose. 

Her not so much. 
One of the oldest children we saw that day.
He has his mustache. 

Another little one. 
A couple more backdrops to chose from. 
They bring them every year to have the photos taken. The photos be ready to take home right away. Some are put on year calendars for 150 pesos. Others as photos, several sizes available. Even some on cups.
The vendor with the plastic pull toys and balloons.

Before Covid both side of the church were completely lined with photo booths and many, many families were there all day. The first year of Covid very few people were here. The next year there were some photographers there. This year a few more, but not near the amount of photographers or families as before. I hope by next year things are back to normal. 
Click here to go to my 2017 blog of the Children of Mazatlan on December 12th Lots of pictures. Actually I found this link on someones pinerest page. 

1 comment:

Contessa said...

I always love your photos of this day.