This is the lot where it will eventually go - those bushes will need to be removed. Too bad they are pretty flowering bushes.

See the guys on the right in the green vests in front of the white pickup? They are here in complex to replace ALL the old gas lines. In the whole community!
And then these guys showed up next door - right next door. They are getting the lot ready to put in another new house. And at the rate they are working it must be coming soon. Lots of dust flying and lots of noise. Hope it doesn't take them too long. Can't have the windows or door open.
Yesterday morning's sunrise over the desert. One of the few pretty ones we've had lately. Started out really pink.
The as sun got a little higher it turned golden.
I took a walk around part of the community. See the paint on the street - every where the gas company will be working. Passed them jack hammering up the asphalt. They seem to be going about it pretty quick. I hope.
This was yesterday - ALL DAY yesterday. Two guys spent the entire day jack hammering this big piece of concrete out.At one time it was two steps and a 4 x 4 pad for the old house that was there. Luckily the jack hammers they were using were not real loud.
This is this morning. The little back hoe? bulldozer? is back leveling more of the lot.
And wood frames are being put up.
Yes it is that close to us. Hope when we get neighbors they are quiet. Which reminds me the house on our right has been sold and the people are moving in the end of the month. All of a sudden we're going from being the only people here to a packed neighborhood.
Just looked out the window because I heard saws and see that the trees in the lot where the first house is going are being trimmed. Bushes next I guess.
If I didn't have a doctors appointment and the yard sale Saturday we'd probably get out of town for a while. Maybe Sunday we can load up and go somewhere.
Need to get back out to the garage and finish pricing stuff for the sale. I have all the glass for a sun-catcher and have discovered I have a very hard time trying to solder. Both my hands shake so much it is almost impossible to do. Didn't realize my left hand shook so bad until I was trying to hold the solder with it. some one once told my dark red wine helped to slow the shaking a little. Humm...
Pot lessens the shaking too. I saw something on FB not too long ago about that.
Think I'd stick with the red wine. Katherine Hepburn used scotch. Oh well, guess I'll just shake.
look into holistic and natural remedies. I am sure there are some out there.
It also appears you are going from the newest on the block to the oldest (on the block).
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