Just a side note. We've been gone from home for 45 days and I've taken 1,814 pictures.
You know it is almost New Year's when you see the red and yellow underware. This year I had to go looking for it though. Usually it is on the main aisle of the store. So what is with the Red and Yellow? "Those who choose to wear red underwear on New Year’s Eve are believed to have luck in love in the coming year, while those who wear yellow are believed to have luck with money in the coming year."
Here is our weather forecast for the next few days. Ideal for me, a little on the cool side for Bill.
Went out to enjoy weather and breakfast this Sunday morning. Sat in Palapa and watched the waves roll in and the waiters keeping everything sanitary. He is sanitizing the menus between patrons. All tables and chairs are also sanitized between uses. Looking south towards downtown. No one on the beach at all.
The orange hibiscus bloomed this morning. About 1/2 hour later I went outside and this is all that was left. Those d@%# birds pulled it off the plant and ate it.
And they also ate one whole side of the bloom on the yellow one. If I see one he is going to get broomed! I sprayed a lite soap mixture on the plants - maybe that will keep them away.
Our bananas are doing fine. Getting bigger day by day. Do you know why bananas are curved? I just read about it the other day.
When they first start growing they are growing straight down. But then they start to curve up to get the sun. See the new little guys.
Sunday we took a drive to see how the Central Park project was progressing.
People lined up waiting to get in to the old and still open Aquarium.
The city built shelters for vendors across the street from the old aquarium. Behind the shelters is a huge parking lot for tour buses.
Leaving the Central Park and Aquarium area and back to the Malecon. We've passed this statue of the Pulmonia and rock many, many times in the years we've been here. And until someone posted about a specific part of it I never noticed. Now it sticks out like a sore thumb.
The light house is on top of the rock. Never, ever noticed it before.
Wow surprised, took this from the moving car. Turned out pretty good. Beautiful city. "The works of Central Park are going at a good pace and completely changing the physiognomy of what used to be the City Forest. This project aims to be a tourist attraction that extends the stay of visitors." How it will eventually look.
They kind of got started on it last year. Here are some pictures I took of what is done. Nice new road, sidewalk and bike bath. And lots of parking. Benches on the sidewalk to sit and enjoy the water and ducks etc.
All kinds of birds and water fowl. Nothing to do with Central Park. But I noticed this neat mural on the back wall of a hotel by where we were parked. Wish the trees weren't in the way.
This is going to be a real pretty area when it is all done.
The new aquarium under construction.
Just looking down the road and water.
Good parking. But watch out for the topes along the road.
Statue in front of old Aquarium.
And another one. People lined up waiting to get in to the old and still open Aquarium.
The city built shelters for vendors across the street from the old aquarium. Behind the shelters is a huge parking lot for tour buses.
Leaving the Central Park and Aquarium area and back to the Malecon. We've passed this statue of the Pulmonia and rock many, many times in the years we've been here. And until someone posted about a specific part of it I never noticed. Now it sticks out like a sore thumb.
The light house is on top of the rock. Never, ever noticed it before.
Want to hire some some one to play some music.

Lots and lots of tourists in town for the Christmas, New Years vacation. Beach umbrellas going up where ever there is sand.
Took many more pictures but will stop here for today.
Just a short video around the aquarium. Click here to view full screen.
Always have to laugh about the red and yellow underwear. Yes, years ago it was right in your face when you entered a store just as you said.
How long does it take for the bananas to ripen from very young to ready to eat? Hope you get to enjoy that sweet treat.
Have any other RV joined you at Las Jaibas
Merry Christmas to you and Bill.
WOW, those temperatures look perfect. Even a bit of humidity wouldn't bother you. I also take too many pictures. I try to cull them down to a reasonable number but it is very difficult. Good thing storage has become plentiful and cheap 😁.
Sandy - remember when Ley grocery store used them to decorate Christmas trees. No idea how long it takes the bananas to ripen. Not even getting close yet. One more American RV is supposed to get here today. They were parked near us in Arizona and decided to come down. Also one form Iowa here, he comes every year.
Ruth - The weather is pretty good now. not as humid as it was. Yah, I have a hard time deciding what pictures to put on the blog. Would take very few if they still had to be developed.
Oh my yes, thanks for reminding me about the trees decorated in red and yellow underwear! Good memory indeed.
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