The way the Pelicans can fly bare inches above the water and not get caught in a wave amazes me. Twelve in a row and away they went.
King of the hill. Sitting on top of the rock. He is right at the side into the pool and some of the kids are very leery about passing by him. Funny to watch. But he never moved a bit as they went by.
Oh, oh might be a problem coming up.
"Get that camera out of my face."
This one was quiet small. He never moved either.
Dignified retreat.
I'm still King of the Hill.
I like these flowers, They look so delicate. Hibiscus blooming at Torres.
The rest of these pictures are of our plants. They too are enjoying the sun and no wind.
The poinsettia are growing green leaves now instead of red ones.
The geraniums are blooming like crazy.
This one has more leaves than flowers, but lots of buds on it.
Bill's tooth has flared up again. Now he is on very strong antibiotics and has date with oral surgeon on the 8th. Get it taken care once and for all.
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