The other day we went into Centro in the afternoon with the thought of going to a restaurant for lunch. Well we didn't do lunch but did do some walking around. Another deer doodle in the parking lot right by the Plazuela Machado. First time I noticed this one.
Bill checking in with the watchmaker about his watch. The part finally arrived but it is not the right one so the watch maker is going to MAKE the part. It is a teeny tiny coil spring that is necessary for the watch to run. The saga continues. Keep tuned!
Just some buildings and a big door. Four different homes/businesses. Can tell where each one ends by the change of colors. Walking towards Olas Altas on Constitucion.
Stopped in one of the fascinating art galleries/bazar along the way. I like the tiles on the floor. Interesting stuff in here too. The tiles are amazing, but too much sun and shadow to get a really good look. Side table is neat to look at too.
To get to the back part of the store/art gallery you have to walk over a small pond by stepping on several stones.
Not my cup of tea, but imagine some one likes this type of art.
Looking towards the back private part of the building. The plants/trees are all alive and growing.
Looks like those might be original hand fashioned beams. Little pretty glass do dads hanging from ceiling.
Huge plant. See the head. Other odd things hiding in it too.
Well it is different. Again not my type of art but very fun to check out. I did like these hats though. So did Bill.
A nice bench to rest on in the shade.
I doubt that this niche was originally for the electric meter. Seems like there should be something religious in it. Those are drain pipes above it.
This is the sign on the outer wall of the area where we park. The whole interior is empty parking lot. Too bad. Bet the original building was amazing in the 1830's.
Just liked the look of the blue wall, iron bracket, light, tree and sky. We ended up going home without eating as restaurant we wanted to go to didn't open until much later than we thought it did. Oh well, another time or day.
There were two cruise ships and a whole lot of tourists from inland in town. Vendors set up in the streets all over Centro.
And tourists tour vans and pulmonias. Either waiting to pick up their wandering passengers or trying to convince tourists to take a ride with them.She is always out when ships and tourists in town. Looks like she is having lunch right then.
In front of one of the big stores in Centro. People lining up to get their flu shots.
The Central Market looks like it is having a good day.
A look from the Malecon - someone parasailing.
One of Bill's drones up at night. It is a black drone with led lights on the propellers. Looks like an UFO. Not a good picture - will try for a good one another night.
Just a few of the things that keep us busy during the days before and just after Christmas. Will try to catch up in the next few days. Also have some neat drone video of a sunset to work on.
1 comment:
Wonderful post and photos
Very sorry for your loss re the last post.
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