John Richard Sirimarco
May 1965 - December 29 2006
He wished no one a last farewell,
nor even said goodbye. He was gone before we knew it,
And only God knows why.
They say time heals all sorrow, And helps us to forget,
But time so far only proves how much we miss him yet,
Back to roaming around Centro yesterday. What was this coming down the street toward us? Why it is a big pig! Asking for donations for a children's cause. Good thing it wasn't a real hot day.
Just another picture of my favorite building. The tile around the windows, doors and balconies came from France when the building was built in 1847 by a powerful French merchant. Now it needs a lot of TLC.
And this building was a German general store. Built in 1904. It is empty inside.
This is the way it looked in the early 1900's. As the years passed 2nd stories were added to a lot of buildings.

The side of the store.

We were on our way to the bakery. It was noon already so I didn't think there would be any cinnamon rolls left, but Bill said "Let's check." And we got the LAST one. There it is sitting on the tray. So good.
Walking towards the plaza to have some lunch we passed this unique building. Can't find any information about it. It has a cafe and art gallery in it now. Looks like it is going to get some needed painting.
Oh Boy! I want one of these! No. Not the statue the ladder. Just kidding of course.
Nothing much going on in the plaza while we ate. Just lots of tourist going by in pulmonias and trolleys. They waved and took pictures of us and we waved and took pictures of them.
Walking back to the car we passed this street side cafe. Actually more of in the street cafe. They even had entertainment. This cart has been here ever since we've been coming to Mazatlan. Must have good food.
Interesting roof on this pick up. Guess you do what you have to do to keep dry.
This house was built and never occupied. For the last two years someone has been restoring it. The bottom half is all replastered, all new window grills and the stairs fixed. No idea what is going on inside. See the guy up on the scaffolding. See the ladder with the plank leading to the scaffolding...
At least he has a safety harness on. Still a lot of work to be done.
Out for breakfast this morning and the fruit seller came by. I love his sun glasses.
Wonder where they can be bought? Wonder how things look through them?
After going to grocery store we stopped at a little nursery and bought some plants for our patio. We can't take them home but will enjoy them here. Now to get some ceramic planters that we will be able to take home. Another day.
Day has remained cloudy and cool but very humid. Will be like this for a couple more days. Bill is playing with the drone trying to track where all the dump trucks are going from the field next door. No other plans for the day.
Always enjoy your pictures, Carol, thank you for sharing.
thank you for commenting
Love the plants.
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