But first I have to tell you about yesterday after we got here. Setting every thing up. I put the jacks down, they worked fantastic. A couple of minutes later I smelled something burning. Something like wiring. I screamed at Bill who was still outside - "Somethings burning!" I was running around inside sniffing trying to figure out what it was. Went outside and looked under the coach where the jack motor was. No sign of anything. Then I realized the smell was worse outside. Hum? Turned out to be the restaurant next door, they had just fired up their grill. Took a while for my heart to slow down.
The welder for the front light bar/tow bar on the Jeep came by and looked at it. He will be here next Tuesday to fix it. Like I said - only money. But our pockets are getting lighter and the pit is getting fuller.
Our friends from Idaho pulled into the campground a couple of hours after we did, so visited with them some. They will be here for a week too.
This was yesterday trip. Don't like those long days but not too many places to stop overnight here.
Bill slept a full 13 hours last night. So we both feel refreshed today. I wanted to get a picture of the new San Carlos sign and the mosaic iguanas. I've always wanted to get a close look at the big iguanas but there was never any where to stop and park. Well since we were here in the spring the area has been turned into a little park with parking places and decorations. This is looking east towards the main road. The San Carlos sign is behind me. You can see one of the iguanas. Wish someone would take a weed wacker to the grass that is growing up around them.

This is the other iguana on the other end of the area. They are all mosaic and really pretty and much larger than I thought they were.
Looking at him head on.
Now facing the sign. Lots of walkways and the metal sculptures.
Another one. lots of work in them. Too bad it is so hard to see them.
After taking those pictures we went out to breakfast at a little upstairs restaurant about three doors down from the campground. I think it is called Turquoise. The center piece of our table was this teeny tiny cactus. See the spoon by it. I don't think I've ever seen a cactus that small. Those are dried corn kernels laying in the pot with it.
Had a good breakfast. I had scrambled eggs with ham. It came with small pieces of soft cheese and beans. Bill order eggs as hard as the table and hash browns. He like his eggs over really, really hard. I almost burst out laughing when they brought his plate. On the late were the hash browns and two hard boiled eggs cut in half and garnished with parsley. Well he asked for hard eggs. He was happy with his meal as he likes hard boiled eggs and the hash browns were delicious. This is art of the restaurant.
Then we went for a drive out to El Mirador - the look out point that has been under construction for about a year and a half from a hurricane.
Cannot believe how green everything is. Mountains we thought were just rocks are full of vegetation.
It turned out really nice. Good parking, great viewing areas and places for the vendors.
Just a strange little bush amongst the cacti.
Looking towards town from El Mirador.
Just some more pictures from there.
Bill with his drone. He took a long movie. I still have to edit it so I can upload it on line. Internet here is spotty and slow.
Poor guy in the sailboat. Such a rough life in an ugly area...
I walked out to this point - like being on the bow of a ship. Then from the drone picture I realized it is hanging out over the air. Glad I didn't know that then.
The water is so pretty and clear.
See the drone.
It is strange to see the ocean with cactus growing right next to it.
Later we went out to dinner with our friends from Idaho - John and Shirley - went to an Italian place next to the RV park. Excellent meal. The evening is beautiful, but it will get cold later tonight.
well it is gonna be a long 2 months for me here, but reading your blog will only make me more jealous each day. Keep up the great work. Say Hi to the captain for me.
Bill says Hi back.
Is the Italian restaurant new Or the same one? What is the name?
I'm a new blog reader, my name's Evelyn. I"m in San Carlos as well, got here Sunday. Small world. Great pictures.
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