This little guy comes around and just sits in the tree. Never eats anything. Sure is pretty though.
So nice we had to get out and about. Decided to head across town to Centro again. It is getting to more and more of a hassle to get there with all the construction going on. Now they are tearing up the street in the Golden Zone again to put in more crosswalks that no one uses anyway. They stopped construction here over the Christmas holidays. So we lulled into a false sense of happy driving. Over now. Both sides of the divided road being worked on. And the torn up part changes from one lane to the other without warning. Be alert.
The first part [northern end] of the Malecon is wonderful now. Looks very pretty. Both north and south bound lanes are open in this area.
Didn't last long. Soon we were driving south on the north bound lanes. And of course the north bound lanes is torn up too. All north bound traffic is now routed through another very busy street quiet a ways from the Malecon You better know where you are going when on it.

The big Carnaval parade goes down this street every year. But no way will the construction be done. They have a little over 2 miles to get finished. More construction on the only roadway open just hope they get it done before we go home. There is going to be a huge world wide tourist travel convention here in April. That is why all this is being done.
Looking toward the ocean. The framework used to be a beach side restaurant, but the walkway of the Malecon is being extended out towards the beach.
Drivers really have to pay attention. I can just imagine how all the hotels and restaurants along this stretch feel. It was hard to get to them when the traffic was two way.Now...
A month ago this was a hole in the rock. The old building was torn down and already the new one is almost done. Quick work.
We had decided to have a leisurely lunch in the Plazuela Machado. So park in one of the older lots. This past year the graffiti murals did not get redone. Usually every year there is a contest for the best work. It was always great to see the new ones.
Walking towards the Plazuela. The writing on the wall is new...wonder why?
Another new piece of art on a building. Anyway first time I've seen it. Very intricate. Love walking around town.
This is the restaurant we usually eat dinner in when listening to Raphael sing and play. No tables or chairs out today. Forgot how pretty the flooring is. All colorful tiles.
At the restaurant in the plaza. Used to be Beach Burger and is now Machado Grill. It has not changed hands, just name. The owner, Conchita greeting Bill. She has semiretired [she is 80]and her granddaughters run it now.
We both had fish and chips and soft drinks. About US$16 and very good. BUT again the credit card machine wasn't working. Good thing we had pesos with us.

While we were eating this group of kids showed up and put on a show. We saw them several times last year. They are very good. And the music they perform to is not ear splitting loud. Even their doggy got into the routine.

They have quite a routine, very well choreographed. And each person has a specialty.
Where we were sitting I couldn't get a good picture with the camera but none the less here are three very short videos merged together that will give you an idea. Turn on your sound.
Took pictures of the ride home via the detour but will save them for later as I don't think we'll be doing too much today. Just relaxing.
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