In the morning we headed out in the Jeep to find the painters shop. I had looked it up on the map but didn't print it out. After all we have a GPS. All was going well until about half way there the GPS quit working...completely. It was still on but the touch screen suddenly got very small and that was it. [Very very small showed all of North America and Mexico.] Could not enlarge it. Anyway we continued on using my memory...memory was not so good. After driving around about 45 minutes we gave up and came home. I looked at the map and we had just turned about 1/4 mile too soon. And with all the one way streets and a canal there was no way to find it. So maybe try again today. I took pictures of the map with the phone. No, no navigation on the phone because no data use while in Mexico on it. Went to Torres across the street for dinner last night with friends who are leaving Mazatlan today. Always enjoy going there. One of the waiters who makes delivering a drink an experience.
And listening to Raphael play is always nice.
They were moving too much to get a good picture. But Bill was having a good time on the dance floor.
When these ladies left they asked him if he was going to be there next Tuesday!
Dancing Bill!!!
Our GPS refuses to recognize Mazatlan at all.
Guess when we get home we'll have to get a new one. What kind do you have?
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