Our journey from Arco to Wilson, WY was uneventful and didn't take many pictures. The roads were good and the scenery mostly farming. Stopped in Idaho Falls for gasoline. So far we've paid under 3 dollars a gallon. The only exception was after leaving the campground just north of Teton NP it was $3.15.
In Wilson we were staying at the Fireside Resort and Campground. This was another campground that made it sound like we were getting the LAST AVAILABLE space! While we were there for two days at least one third of the spaces were empty. They had a good WiFi and from our spot we could get Satellite TV.
I had the campground marked on the GPS-so up the road we are going. I'm saying we're real close, Bill is just creeping up the road. And we missed the entrance. No visible signs. One tiny sign on a telephone pole. Campground 300 feet. The Resort sign is back in the bushes and hard to spot. So we continued up the road until we came to a lodge/resort. Turned in there went through their parking lot and came back out onto the highway. Where we proceeded to MISS THE TURN again! Well s---! So now we see a driveway going into a group of homes, quickly checking the GPS I see we can loop around the homes and come back out onto the highway and go back to try again. This time we made it. BUT as we turned half into the driveway - jeep still in road. Another big RV decided to leave the grounds. So no way for us to pass him. Finally Bill pulled up a little hugging the rocks on or side of the road and the other guy, who thank goodness was not towing, backed up a ways and hugged his side of road. Just squeezed by. Nice spot though.
I asked the ladies in the office if we could get to Teton Park going north on the road we came up on. They assured me it went into the park, but a part of it wasn't paved - just a couple of miles. With the Jeep we'd have no problem. See the brown section on the map. Unpaved.
After getting settled in we headed up the road to the park. The unpaved part of the road wasn't just unpaved - it had craters in it. I wonder how these guys made it. This section was one of the better parts of the road. Jeep had no problems, but it was rough.
Watched some ducks swimming in a little pond. Bill took this picture.

We came out on the at the Moose Junction entrance to the park. Boy it is getting expensive to go into the parks. Thank heavens for our Golden Age pass. So far this trip we've saved $140 at Teton and $70 at Yellowstone. And when we got the card it was only $10!!!
We didn't go very far in the park as Bill wasn't feeling real well. And we were both hungry. So went into Jackson for lunch. Some reason when his stomach is upset eating McDonald's seems to help him. So we ate and came back to RV. Well he felt better and I got sick. We were both fine by the next morning.
So we took the highway back towards Teton. Our first stop was Mormon Road.Again gravel but smooth and well worth it. Loved finally seeing this famous barn in person. We both took many many pictures of it. Hard to decided what to post.
Looking in through a window on the back of the barn.
The back of the barn. So much work to build it. And the best part it is still standing.
Just liked the way this one turned out.
And this one too through the fence.
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As I said we both took lots of pictures, this is one Bill took. |

Fat little guy.
Heading further down the road. Usually don't see a picture of the barn without the Tetons behind it.
Some information on the area. We are fortunate to know the granddaughter of the Moultons. These are for you Sheila.
Their home.
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Bill got a good picture of it. |
After leaving here we headed into the park. Can never have too many pictures of these majestic mountains.
We stopped at the Visitor Center As we were getting out of the car Bill asked, "Do you know where my hat is?" Nope. He searched the car but it wasn't there. The only thing we can figure out is - when we left the RV it was cold so he was wearing a long sleeve pull over shirt. When we were leaving the last barn and house area it had warmed up so he took the shirt off. Must have taken his hat off and put it on the top of the Jeep. Took the shirt off, tossed it inside, got in and drove away. So now someone has a nice hat and hatband. Luckily he had brought a couple more with him.
Interesting model of the park. I bought a t-shirt here.
Sculptures of the people who made the park happen.
As I said Never too many.
Just a creek we passed.
And even more
We took the Jenny Lake loop road. Such a pretty place.
After leaving there we went as far as the Moran entrance and headed back to town to eat and go to the RV.
The River
Last one for today.
Just a mural in Jackson. Kind of neat. We passed through Jackson three times. Only stopping at McDonalds. So crowded with cars, RVs and people.
Whoops forgot about this one.
Spent the rest of the day doing nothing, enjoying the weather and scenery. We left the next morning towards our overnight just two miles south of Yellowstone. We took the road that goes through Teton not the 89. The park road was much better. Lots of resurfacing and one lane on the 89.
Those Teton pics are amazing. I can only imagine how they look in person. Thanks for posting them.
It's a great place to visit, glad we did it a couple of years ago.
Always amazing to see and wander around in.
Fun place to be and a whole lot cooler than Vegas!
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