This is our campground here in Hill City. Firehouse Campground $41, good WiFi, electric and water. Back in. More or less level.
Several old firetrucks parked around the campground.
When it finally warmed up enough we set out for Mount Rushmore. Parking was easy. $10 or $5 with Golden Age Pass. You get your ticket as you go in then have to pay for it at a kiosk once up towards the main level.
Walking towards the faces after paying for the parking. Several people were upset that they could not take their dogs in. Really upset! No way to get this picture without someone else in it.
Inside the area where the gift shop and cafe are. This is as close as you can get. See the barricade?
Looking through the fence.
Taken from in front of the Cafe.

And here is George.
Thomas. The eyes look real. Even his eyebrows.
Teddy and Abe. The curls in the beard and the glasses look so real.
The monument was started in 1927 and finished in 1941.
He has written a book and was signing it for people who bought one. Line was longer then I wanted to wait in. He has got to be in his 90's
Didn't stay there too long. I'm sure glad we were there in 2003 when everything was open.
Driving back to Hill City. The famous profile shot.
Sure are a lot of rugged rock in this area.
Back to Hill City where we parked and walked around for a while. Saw some incredible art work there.
A closer look at some of the work in him. I think I found all the horses and the face. Really look at the pictures to see everything he used to make the horse.
What an amazing piece of work. And here is another one quite a bit smaller.
We have, for us, a long driving day tomorrow 175 miles to Guernsey, WY for a few days.
Just amazing..wonderful photos! Bill..too hot, too cold, too sunny too rainy...LOL! Also, leave your damn dogs at home they dont have to be everywhere.
Truly an amazing and unique piece of art. The person that created those horses must be very talented. Why have they restricted how close you can get to the faces?
There is a massive amount of refurbishing and construction going on.
We are the exact opposites he can't function in the cold and I can't function in the heat.
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